Is it personal?

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Rights To Equal Access Are Guaranteed By Law...

Having equal access to employment and education, as well as equal access to public and governmental buildings is guaranteed by law.

One in five Americans suffers from some sort of disabilities. So the struggle to advance the life of the disabled citizens in our nation is a personal struggle.


It is free to join. It is our duty to advocate for your equal access rights (if needed), and to help you network with other professionals. Send us an e-mail with your resume to: 


It is the law...

professionals network

Disability Professionals Network

Grow with Us


Disability is a mental or physical condition that limits an individual's abilities, movements, senses, and activities.

We at Disability Professional Network, a non-governmental, a 501 (c) 
(3) non-profit organization, focus on advocating for equal access to all

disabled individuals, especially, those disabled professionals who are in, or entering higher education (graduate levels). We cater to the professional disabled individuals

                                                                     Join us today, it is free...